Saturday, December 31, 2016

Reliable Strategy to Lose Weight in 3 Steps

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reliable strategy to lose weight
Many people are looking for ways so that they can lose their weight. There are many ways to achieve the goal of losing weight and people have many options in this regard. It is important to make a plan to achieve the goal of losing weight. If you want to lose weight and make your body strong and healthy then you can follow three simple steps.

Make a goal to be achieved for losing weight
You must make a goal so that you can plan to lose weight. You may have the goal of losing weight in a time period of 90 days. Make sure to remember your goal and remind yourself again and again to make sure that you are working well for achievement of your goal.

food for weight loss

·         When you are making goal of losing weight them make sure that you have a clear goal to be achieved. This will make your goal SPECIFIC.
·         You must have some figure which you want to achieve as a result of losing weight. This will make your goal MEASUREABLE.
·         You must make realistic goal to lose weight and work in a reliable manner. This will make your goal ACHIEVEABLE.
·         Make sure that you are realistic in losing weight. This will make your goal REALISTIC.
·         You must have a specific time to achieve your goal of losing weight like in 90 days. This will make your goal TIME BOUND.

weightloss planning for the whole week

In this manner you will be following S.M.A.R.T. rules for achievement of your goal related with losing weight and getting good health in routine life.

Planning for the whole week
You must divide the total time for losing weight in weeks so that you can have a time period in which you can try a set of actions. This will help you to check the desired actions which are good for losing weight. In this manner you can plan the actions and focus on them on weekly basis and record the progress with time.

·         First week could be to focus on leaving wine and using some tea after dinner. This will help you to leave the habit of wine which is good for health.
·         Second week could be to focus on decreasing the eating habits in restaurants. This will help you to get lunch from home which will give health benefits.
·         Third week can be to focus on increasing exercises. You can increase the number of exercises to increase strength and fitness of muscles.

In this manner you can arrange the activities for the weekly basis and focus on them to make sure that you are working well for achievement of your target of losing weight.

Ageless actions for daily basis
You must make further partition for actions for daily basis. This will give you some actions which you need to perform on a daily basis. These actions will help you to achieve your goals of losing weight and getting smarter and stronger in a natural manner. Make sure to make actions and make a list for the day and follow it to get good results.

·         Stretching for the body at the ending of the day
·         Drinking eight glasses of fresh water daily

In this manner you are able to achieve your goal of weight loss with the help of three simple steps. These simple steps could be used for achievement of different types of goals and you must make the partition of actions in a reliable manner to get good results.

Monday, September 19, 2016

How to Manage Diabetes and Prediabetes

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There are various methods to diagnose a diabetic patient as to know the exact problem is very necessary in this case. In every method there is a requirement of repetitive diagnosis on every second day so that perfect result could be obtained. The testing should be done in presence of the doctor or in a lab so that if high level of blood glucose is determined then doctor may ask for second diagnosis. It will help in getting the exact information. This in turn help us in letting know that where the real problem exist.

A1C- it is the test which measures the average level of blood glucose in past 2-3 months. There is no need of fasting for this test. The diabetics is said to be there if value in test result comes greater than 6.5.

FPG (fasting plasma glucose) - it is the test which is performed after fasting like in morning when a person does not have anything from 8 hours. It is generally done before taking breakfast. It measures the fasting blood glucose level which should be less than 126mg/dl.

OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test) - in it there are two test perform at the interval of two hours. One is without eating anything and the other after taking sweet drink. The time is given here so that body can perform its task and we could know how efficiently it is doing it. It checks how the body processes glucose. For a normal person it should be less than 200mg/dl

Casual plasma glucose test- it can be done at any random time whenever a person feels change in their glucose level. It is an important test and can be done easily. It help a person to take the necessary step if the level varies. For diagnosis to be performed it should be greater than 200mg/dl.
What is prediabetes- Before the stage of diabetes of type 2, there is a condition called as prediabetes in which the blood glucose level of an individual is high but not so much that he should be diagnosed. It is a primitive stage and it has a risk that it can develop the type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in future. It is tested using glucose test or fasting test and then respectively these names as IGT (impaired glucose tolerance) or IFG (impaired fasting glucose) is given.

Symptoms for prediabetes- there is no symptom for it and so a person is not able to know about it. it only comes to the knowledge of a person when a diagnosis of diabetes is done. Some of them who are having prediabetes can have some symptoms of diabetes and also some of the problem which person face when he has diabetes. Type 2 diabetes are the final step of prediabetes so if a person is suffering from prediabetes stage then he should have to go for diabetes test every 1 or 2 years.

Results which show us the stage of prediabetes are:
1) A1C result should be in between 5.7 to 6.4%
2) Level of fasting glucose in blood in between 100-125mg/dl
3) OGTT test result should be in between 140-199mg/dl

How to prevent type 2 diabetes- it is not necessary that every prediabetes person should be having diabetes in future. If proper medication is taken then the glucose level of blood can be brought to normal.

The chances of type 2 diabetes can be reduce if a person:
1) Losing the body weight by 7%.
2) Exercise five days in week and for 30 minutes in a day.
It is not necessary that body weight should become ideal but even if a person loses 10 to 15 pound, then lot of improvement can be seen.
So no one should take any risk in case of diabetes and get it checked and diagnosed by the doctor. Prevention of a disease is better than cure.